Minneapolis Psychologist

Trauma-Informed Therapy for Anxiety with Minneapolis Therapist

Anxiety Relief with a Minneapolis Psychologist

Minneapolis Psychologist Ellie Tripp, white woman, short blond hair, & glasses smiles at camera to welcome you to counseling in Minneapolis.

Dr. Ellie Tripp, Minneapolis Psychologist Specializing in Trauma-Informed Therapy for Anxiety

Oof. This has been a long time coming. You’ve known for years that therapy could help but now it feels like it’s really time. You just can’t take it anymore. You are juggling so much - taking care of everything at work, making sure the house is in order, that your people are all okay, and you feel like you’re ready to snap! You feel so run down - like, you’ve been “functioning fine” but then get home and totally collapse. But you know if you show that you’re struggling you’ll be told you’re “too sensitive,” so what’s the point anyway?

Anxiety has taken its toll on you.

But now, the anxiety and pressure of it all are becoming too much. It feels like your mind won’t stop racing, you’re having trouble sleeping, and you end up crying in your car while running errands because it feels like the walls are closing in - so clearly it’s time for a change. You feel like you’ve been trying to hold it all together for everyone else for so long, and you just can’t do it anymore. You wonder what’s wrong with you and how other people can make it look so easy. 

You’ve had a hard time trusting yourself and prioritizing what you want and need. Hell, you don’t even know how to do that! Even if you did, you feel too guilty to put yourself first, and it honestly feels impossible. You need some balance in your life, and you want to stop being so damn hard on yourself. You’ve realized that part of why you stay so busy is because the anxiety bubbles up if you slow down, and it feels terrifying to be alone with what you’re feeling underneath. You want to slow down and relax but wonder - am I asking too much?

I am here to let you know that you are not asking too much. Full stop.

My name is Ellie, a Clinical Psychologist in Minneapolis, and I Can Help

I help recovering people pleasers and over achievers with anxiety who feel like they’re struggling to keep their heads above water. Many of my clients have said that our work together helped them realize that they truly deserve a break, that they’re allowed to say no, that what they feel matters, and that they deserve support. While I will provide some skills to get you feeling better, what really lights me up is being able to explore where these patterns came from in the first place. What was the cultural or family messaging that led you to believe that your worth came from how much you could do for others? So often we can get down on ourselves when we’re struggling - but I deeply believe all of our problems started out as solutions. So let’s start there.

Safe and Affirming Counseling with Minneapolis Therapist

As a queer therapist in Minneapolis, I provide a spot for you to land each week where you don’t have to be “on,” where you can exhale and let your worries out without fear of judgment or retribution. If you feel scared of slowing down with your emotions, we get to work together to increase your capacity for sitting with them and get curious about what they might be trying to tell you. And while you may be used to that harsh inner critic incessantly badgering you from inside your head, I will gently challenge that voice to bring in a more compassionate tone. Want to know more? Visit my About page to see if we might be a good fit.

Contact Me for a Free Consultation for Trauma-Informed Therapy in Minneapolis and Beyond

If you are ready to let go of being everything to everyone and tune into your inner knowing, contact me for a FREE 15 minute consultation. Contact me to schedule a call and take an important step in showing yourself that YOU are on your list of priorities!

Your Minneapolis Psychologist

I primarily provide online counseling in Minnesota. As a member of PsyPact I can also provide online counseling in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.


Contact me today to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation with a Minneapolis Psychologist. I’d love to help.